Department Of Human Development


Human development is one of the important branches of Home Science faculty and was established in 1996 as a grant in aid course which deals with the study from conception to death in all aspects like various developments, educational process, counseling and many other factors influencing the growth and development of human being.

Development is a complex process, so learning about how kids grow physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively can lead to a deeper understanding of children of all ages. Studying Human Development helps to learn things that can help to gain great insight into human behavior, thinking and feeling processes in children. This study helps to understand what is Normal. It helps to understand problems with cognitive, social,emotional development in early childhood itself.

In the first 5 years of life, the child’s brain develop more and faster than at any other time in the life. The child’s early experiences, relationships and the things he sees, hears, touches, smells and tastes stimulate the brain creating millions of collections. Studying Human Development helps to learn more about future, to understand the ageing process, to prepare people to face issues associated with ageing.

This subject helps the students to study human behavior, the factors influencing the development and significant changes as well as developmental issue. It also helps students to understand the dimensions of development, concerns of family and society and also helps to develop awareness of diversity in adult life styles. Study of human development makes students aware about marriage and family and clears the concept of developmental assessment.

The department has well equipped laboratory for under-graduate students. The departmental library has a good collection of text books and reference books too.


  • Extension activity for orphanage “VARDAN” since 2011.
  • Use of teaching aids for pre schoolers.
  • Guidance for counseling process.
  • Various data collection methods and psychological study methods.


Faculty/Course Semester Subjects Distribution of Marks
Theory Practical Internal Assessment
Theory Practical
B.Sc (H.Sc) I Year Sem I Fandamental of Human Development 80 - 20 -
Sem II Development in Early Years 80 40 20 10
B.Sc (H.Sc) II Year Sem III Development in Late Childhood and Adolescence 80 - 20 -
Sem IV Development in Adulthood 80 40 20 10
B.Sc (H.Sc) III Year Sem V Family Dynamics and Developmental Assessment 80 - 20 -
Sem VI Care and Well-being in Human Development 80 40 20 10

Syllabus Link : G/Faculty_of_Home_Science/B.Sc.%20Home%20Sc ience%20%20Semester%20Pattern_2.pdf


Faculty Research Areas
Dr. Archana Ratkanthiwar • Human Development
• Counseling Process
• Personality
• Behavioral Problems
• Pre-School Teaching Methods

Working as a member of BOS

Laboratory Facility:

  • Lab Area: 20 x 21 feet
  • Laboratory Equipments:

  • 1. Vocational interest record
  • 2. Emotional Maturity Scale
  • 3. Adjustment Inventory
  • 4. Stress Inventory
  • 5. Personal Value Test
  • 6. Marriage Attitude Scale
  • 7. Parent Child Relationship Scale
  • 8. Seguin Form Board Test
  • 9. Self Concept Inventory Behavior Orientation Scale
  • 10. 16 Personality Factor Test

According to the need of the syllabus laboratory equipments required for UG course are available.

Teaching Material Prepared and Displayed By Students

Psychological Tests Available in the Laboratory


Sr. No. Name of the Speaker Topic Date Workshop / Seminar / Guest Lecture
1. Mrs. Priya Zoting Counseling process for early childhood 07/01/2020 Guest Lecture
2. Dr. Chetan Rewatkar Anti-Social behavior in childhood 21/12/2019 Workshop
3. DR. Dipak Pawar Women Empowerment 26/08/2019 Guest Lecture
4. Mrs. Manisha Bawankar SAMWAD: Communication Skill and Personality Development 07/08/2019 Seminar
5. Dr. Pakhmode Self Grooming 01/09/2018 Guest Lecture
6. Mrs. Kavita Agrawal Concept of Gender Equality 01/09/2018 Guest Lecture
7. Mrs. Faiyja Khwaja Personality Development 01/09/2018 Guest Lecture
8. Mrs. Nilima Joshi Nutritional Awareness in College going Girls 22/12/2017 Guest Lecture
9. Mr. Pankaj Jain Personality Development 11/09/2017 Guest Lecture
10. Mr. Nilesh Lanjewar Skill Development 11/09/2017 Guest Lecture
11. Ms. Maitreyi Kale Women Equality 26/08/2017 Guest Lecture
Teaching Faculty Members:

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Member Qualification Designation Work Experience(in years) Research Areas
01 Dr. Archana Ratkanthiwar M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D. Assisstant Professor 23 years Human Development
Extra-curricular activities : Visit

Sr. No. Name of the Institute Year
1. Shree Maheshwari Vruddhashram 2018-2019
2. Panchavati Vruddhashram 2017-2018
3. Panchavati Vruddhashram 2016-2017
Research papers : 02
Department Repository :

  • Online study material, question bank and online lineages provided to the students.

Photos :

Visit to Old Age Home

Workshop on Anti-Social Behavior


Dr. Archana Ratkanthiwar,
Human Development,
Faculty of Home Science,
Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya,
Sakkardara Chowk, Umrer Road, Nagpur
Contact No.- 8928946517