The Physic Department of Home Science was established in the year 1996. The laboratories in the department are well equipped with latest equipments. The department aims to educate the generation with the basic concepts and law of physics to stimulate an interest in them and create them job competent. Department has good instrumental set up for UG with sophisticated instruments, computers and internet facility as well as departmental library. The department provides undergraduate course in Physics of Home science faculty.
Department of Physics of Home science faculty is engaged in teaching various topics like Heat, Electricity, Magnetism and Conversion of energies from one form to another form, which are used in various types of home appliances along with the study of the basic knowledge of computer and its application in subject. The knowledge of students are regularly assessed by internal assessment processes like writing seminars, presentations, Unit Tests and Preliminary examination etc. to make them ready to face the university examinations. The Department subscribes journals of national and international repute for research scholars, staff and students of the college. There is a huge collection of text books and encyclopaedias on physics. The students are regularly oriented by the visiting faculties from renowned institution. The Department regularly organises Guest lectures, seminars and competitions related to physics subject for the latest updates in the subject. Faculty members are actively involved in the syllabus framing and restructuring at the University level. Apart from traditional method of board teaching, modem ICT enabled methods using the Power Point presentations on LCD projector and audio-video educative material available as CDs and material accessed from the internet are liberally utilized by the faculty members. Students are also encouraged to develop presentations using these resources.
Subject has following papers in the following semesters :
Sr. No. | Semester | Paper |
1. | Semester – I & II | Applied Physics & Basic Computer –I & II respectively. |
2. | Semester – III & IV | Applied Physics & Computer Application I & II respectively |
Faculty/Course | Semester | Subject | Distribution of Marks | ||
Theory + Internal Assessment | Practical+ Internal Assessment | Total | |||
B.Sc. I Year | Sem. I | Physics | 40 + 10 | NA | 50 |
Sem. II | Physics | 40 + 10 | 20 + 05 | 75 | |
B.Sc. II Year | Sem. II | Physics | 40 + 10 | NA | 50 |
Sem. I | Physics | 40 + 10 | 20 + 05 | 75 |
Dr. R. R. Nagpure
Analysis of electromagnetic interaction of light and remote sensing technique.
Academic Session | Name of Activity | Photographs |
2019-20 | Raghoba Nagpure receiving award form Principal Sevadal Mahila Mv, on acquiring Doctorate Degree in Physics on dated 5th Sept. 2019 | ![]() |
2016-17 | Ms. Nikhita Nichani B. Sc 2nd Year Home Science adjudged as University Merit for scoring highest marks in Physics, felicited by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr. S. V. Kane RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur on dated 25/07/2016 | ![]() |
P.O. Box
Vernier Calliper
Travelling Microscope
Academic Session | Seminars/guest lecturers organised |
2017-18 | Guest lecture by Dr. Anil Tathode, R. T. M. Nagpur.Topic- Cloud Technology & Cyber Security. Date- 16:02:2018 |
2016-17 | Guest lecture by Dr. Anil Tathode, R. T. M. Nagpur. Topic- Industrial Robotic Cloud Technology. Date- 04:03:2017 |
Dr. Anil Tathode, delivering lecture on ‘Cloud Technology & Cyber Security’
Dr. Anil Tathode, delivering lecture on ‘Industrial Robotic Cloud Technology’
Sr.No. | Name of Faculty Member | Qualification | Designation | Work Experience (in years) | Research Areas |
1. | Dr. Raghoba R. Nagpure | M. Sc. Ph. D. | Assistant Professor and Head | 22 years | Remote sensing |
Mr. Raju More
Name of the Teacher | National | International |
Dr. R. R. Nagpure | 04 | 08 |
Semester | Paper Name | Google Classroom URL |
Semester – I & II | Applied Physics & Basic Computer –I & II respectively. | -- |
Semester – III & IV | Applied Physics & Computer Application I & II respectively | -- |
Adventure Excursion Tour at Zilpi Mohgaon Session 2018-19
Dr. R. R. Nagpure.
Assistant Professor & Head
Department Physics, Home Science Faculty,
Sevadal Mahila Mahavidhyalaya,
Sakkardhara square, Umred Road Nagpur - 24
Mobile No. 9764350461
Email -